Working on a chill mini-golf game for the 1-Button Jam.

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— RossK (Nellee Hooper Edit) ([]( November 26, 2024 at 12:01 AM

Finished reading: The Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf 📚

The Smithsonian has a model of the ship from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind. If you look closely you can find R2D2 and a couple of other Easter eggs.

Another year in your feed

I was on the fence a bit, but I allowed my yearly subscription renew today.

There are a thousand ways to put a site or blog up online, but I like the apps, and how micro bridges to BlueSky and the fediverse. I also enjoy the bookshelf feature, which seems like a quirky one-off (I mean, why not movies, TV, and games?) – which somehow makes it more lovely.

Finished Listening: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle 📚

Finished reading: Delights: a Story of Hieronymus Bosch by Guy Colwell 📚

I had a couple of ideas for the Github Game Off, but I’m kind of feeling more motivated to work on SpinDoc– though I think my plan this month is to focus on building a level editor.

But, hmm, the 20 Second Game Jam starts this week as well, and that was really fun last year. We’ll see.

Currently reading: Empire of Normality by Robert Chapman 📚

Not much obvious has changed since my last post about SpinDoc– I did rework a lot of how the wands work behind the scenes. I had been rotating the wand with code, but now it’s a RigidBody2d, with rotation being handled by the physics engine.

Finished reading: The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 📚

Finished reading: Little Black Book by Jeff McComsey 📚

Finished reading: Medea by Blandine Le Callet 📚

Currently reading: Medea by Blandine Le Callet 📚

Maybe it’s time for for a little station ID?

Even though you might be seeing this on Mastodon, Bluesky, or elsewhere– you’re reading my (Ross’s) blog, which lives at If that is distressing news, I apologize.

My posts get POSSE’d to other services via

Finished reading: Air Volume 3 by G. Willow Wilson 📚

Who wants to start a news show with me?

Finished reading: Air Volume 2 by G. Willow Wilson 📚


Some progress on “SpinDoc”:

  • “rings” (aka, dots you can only use once)
  • enemy wands that can move to appropriately colored dots

By the end of this month, I’d like to have the project in a state that at least resembles a game: a couple of levels, a few missing Spin Doctor features (in particular, doors), some sound and animation. In November, I’ll focus on the GitHub Game Off. When I get back to SpinDoc after that, it’ll be more level design, some original mechanics I’ve been thinking off, and polish.

Finished reading: Air Volume 1 by G. Willow Wilson 📚

Finished Listening: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 📚