I had hoped to complete a couple more obstacles/gadgets today, but only got this pinball-style bumper working.

I’m happy with the mouse graphic that appears during attract mode, which doubles as a teaching tool.

[image or embed]

— RossK (Nellee Hooper Edit) (@ross.karchner.com) November 28, 2024 at 12:23 AM

(I’m having some issues uploading video on micro.blog this week– so I’m uploading to Bluesky and embedding those posts here. Technology!)

I’ve added an “attract mode” bot that plays plausibly but seldom successfully. It can’t really deal with obstacles yet.

I’ve migrated fediverse following/followers over to my profile on mastodon.gamedev.place. ross.karchner.com will now cross-post to that account.

I’ve decided I want the full-fat Mastodon experience again, for now at least.

Working on a chill mini-golf game for the 1-Button Jam.

[image or embed]

— RossK (Nellee Hooper Edit) ([@ross.karchner.com](https://ross.karchner.com)) November 26, 2024 at 12:01 AM

Finished reading: The Arab of the Future by Riad Sattouf 📚

The Smithsonian has a model of the ship from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind. If you look closely you can find R2D2 and a couple of other Easter eggs.

Another year in your feed

I was on the fence a bit, but I allowed my yearly micro.blog subscription renew today.

There are a thousand ways to put a site or blog up online, but I like the apps, and how micro bridges to BlueSky and the fediverse. I also enjoy the bookshelf feature, which seems like a quirky one-off (I mean, why not movies, TV, and games?) – which somehow makes it more lovely.

Finished Listening: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle 📚

Finished reading: Delights: a Story of Hieronymus Bosch by Guy Colwell 📚

I had a couple of ideas for the Github Game Off, but I’m kind of feeling more motivated to work on SpinDoc– though I think my plan this month is to focus on building a level editor.

But, hmm, the 20 Second Game Jam starts this week as well, and that was really fun last year. We’ll see.

Currently reading: Empire of Normality by Robert Chapman 📚

Not much obvious has changed since my last post about SpinDoc– I did rework a lot of how the wands work behind the scenes. I had been rotating the wand with code, but now it’s a RigidBody2d, with rotation being handled by the physics engine.

Finished reading: The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 📚

Finished reading: Little Black Book by Jeff McComsey 📚

Finished reading: Medea by Blandine Le Callet 📚

Currently reading: Medea by Blandine Le Callet 📚

Maybe it’s time for for a little station ID?

Even though you might be seeing this on Mastodon, Bluesky, or elsewhere– you’re reading my (Ross’s) blog, which lives at ross.karchner.com. If that is distressing news, I apologize.

My posts get POSSE’d to other services via micro.blog.

Finished reading: Air Volume 3 by G. Willow Wilson 📚

Who wants to start a news show with me?

Finished reading: Air Volume 2 by G. Willow Wilson 📚