Escape game

Previously, I posted two ideas for Godot Wild Jam 66. I ended up spending a few days on the first one and realized I didn’t like where it was going and I didn’t feel good about getting it into shape for the end of the jam. So, I switched gears to the second one (a variation on an idea I’d already been tinkering with).

It’s going better, but I’m not sure it’ll be shippable by the deadline (4pm tomorrow). Still, it’s nice to have some momentum. I’m really happy with how the player character moves, but the game definitely needs more.. game. We’ll see how for I get it tomorrow.


My son and I are still making tweaks to the roguelike that resulted from following’s tutorial: a new spell, visual effects, weapons, and new enemies. I enjoy the collaboration, so we’ll probably keep it going for a while.

The most notable new feature is a minimap! It still needs work, but I’m happy that I was able to get it working. This is my first time writing Godot code that generates a graphic from scratch. Every pixel in the minimap represents one tile in the current dungeon. Right now, it draws the entire graphic (walks the entire array of tiles) on every turn, which seems excessive and dumb. On the other hand, it’s performing OK, so “fixing” that might be a premature optimization.

In theory, the next Godot Wild Jam starts next Friday, I was thinking I might give that a try.


dungeon-crawling game in progress

I’m up to Part 10 of’s Godot 4 Roguelike tutorial. What’s new?

  • Potions to heal with
  • Scrolls of lightning, fireball, and confusion
  • saving and loading
  • That main menu screen where you can either start a new game or continue where you left off

My son suggested adding some instructions on the main menu screen. He’s basically my project manager at this point.