Recent Replies

@acdha that is beautiful

@notunremarkable that's a great little park!

@spacenerdmo hello!

@chrisod are the privacy settings the reason you switched?

@dbat I would totally play Urban Mammoth!

@mattbowen that sounds really cool! Congrats and good luck with it.

@mattbowen what's the new job?

@mattbowen read anything so far that you plan to adopt? Maybe something went wrong with the connection between Bluesky and Seems like it was temporary, or at least I don't see the invalid handle message when I log in now.

@djlink the private sector is wild

@slembcke around 96-97 my high school loaned me a powerbook to use for an internship, and Spin Doctor was preloaded on it. Such a cool little game.

@pasimako speaking of 'Pirates', I was at the Macworld Expo where Noah Wyle stepped out on stage in character as Steve Jobs!

@rossk next step is walls and doors

@ayjay related: Beth Gibbons new album is excellent

@chrisod that's amazing

@afreytes Total Recall on NES, maybe? That or the cursed NES Ninja Turtles game.

@jimmitchell made the same move in October. So far, so good!

@ernie That sent me down a little rabbit hole-- I didn't realize that Verizon Wireless predates (only by months) the larger company (merged Bell Atlantic/GTE) renaming itself Verizon.

@ravindra 👏👏👏

@lukemperez that's amazing

@ernie only buy milk crates that support Freedom 0

@acdha looks like they fixed this :

@ernie what launcher is that?

@danielpunkass (to @ceelian ) I had this happen last week, I think if you log out and back in again you'll be yourself once again.